CompMonks is short for The Computational Monkeys, an alias and digital brand created by Pierre Cutellic in 2012 to convey both individual and collaborative artworks. It stands as a generational statement on technology and a fascination for what makes us humans in the 21st century.


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    Approaching art from a non-disciplinary perspective, Pierre Cutellic is an architect and researcher based in Zürich. Through his dedication to pursuits both scientific and artistic, Pierre strives to create works that aim to capture the eye and grip the mind.


While studying human neural processes related to visual perception, cognition and artificial intelligence, Pierre looks below the surface of what we call modelling and design, to explore the core elements of visual-thinking. Grounding that purpose, Pierre was awarded in 2016 a fully-funded scholarship from the ETH A&T Doctoral Programme of Excellence. Until 2019, he was Ph.D. Fellow at the Chair of Digital Architectonics, within the Institute of Technology in Architecture of ETH Zürich. He obtained his doctorate of science in 2022 for his research on Brain-Computer Interfaces and architectural design (Neurodesign). Research he is currently pushing further as a Postdoctoral researcher and Principal Investigator on a SNSF-funded project (Neuramod).


Throughout his education, Pierre received an extensive polymath training in science and humanities. Shortly after graduating summa cum laude in Architecture from E.N.S.A.Paris-Malaquais in 2007, Pierre initiated his career by balancing between project consulting, and teaching on the new critical horizon offered by digital technologies. In 2008, he joined the innovative company Gehry Technologies to work on large-scale cultural projects and alongside international design and construction firms. In 2010, Pierre was appointed Adjunct-Assistant Professor at the Digital Knowledge department of ENSA Paris-Malaquais, which he contributed to found. Prior to joining ETH, he was a Lecturer at the Laboratory of Numeric Cultures for Architectural Projects at EPF Lausanne.


With this rich background, Pierre developed a peculiar perspective to create works of art that touch both the roots of scientific understanding and the horizon of discovery. His work has been published and exhibited throughout Europe since 2010.


Among his most recent appearances, are the collective exhibitions 'Biomedia' of ZKM (Karlsruhe 2021), 'Neurons' of Centre Pompidou (Paris 2020), 'Digital Wild' of Trondheim Kunst Museum (Trondheim 2020), 'Error' of Ars Electronica Festival (Linz 2018), and the duo show 'Bits, Bots, Brains' of Tetem Kunstruimte (Enschede 2018).

   Zürich-based architect and researcher, born in the early 80’s, I define my architectural practice by articulating artistic problems and scientific questions first, instead of anchoring it into buildings as a starting point. This position allows to balance between conceptual and technical approaches, and, rather often, takes the form of design objects series and installations, as well as the technological means and models necessary to perform. Born and educated in France at the end of the 20th century, an early and intensive first career in consulting for a wide range of international design and construction firms led me to the conclusion that architecture, at this time, would be better refocusing on how information and communication technologies can reappraise the foundational idea of putting many different things together in a meaningful way. Or briefly put as a question: How can architecture make sense of the world after the digital? With an understanding of vision as a technology, my work is mainly grounded in computer science, cognitive science, philosophy, architecture, and visual arts. It generally takes the shape, or becomes the result, of interfaces and interactions between mixed models of human and machine bits of intelligence to emulate meaning visually and explore the possibilities of creating new values throughout the modulation of pictures, generation of shapes, aggregation of parts and the delineation of spaces. This creative process borrows the path of a thing-in-the-world becoming an object-in-the-mind and yet to be an-object-in-the-world.

Name  Pierre  Cutellic

Name  CompMonks

Name  Pierre  Cutellic , CompMonks

Born in  1982 , FR

Born in  2012 , The Grid

Based in  Zürich, CH

LinkedIn Link

Research Website Link

Orcid  Link

Google Scholar Link

LinkedIn Link

Research Website Link

Orcid  Link

Google Scholar Link

LinkedIn Link

Personal Website Link

Research Website Link


Dr. Sc. ETHz 2022  PhD Fellow
  CAAD ITA D-ARCH ETH , Zürich  (CH)

  Subject: Neurodesign
  Topics: Computer-Aided Architectural Design, Design Computing and Cognition, Generative Design, Brain-Computer Interface, Machine Learning

Arch. DPLG (M.Arch) 2007  Summa Cum Laude
  ENSAPM , Paris  (FR)

  Subject: More Is Different: Morphogenetic Design & Production Strategies
  Topics: Computational Design


Principal Investigator 2021 - 2025  SNSF Project Funding Div. 1-2
  CAAD ITA D-ARCH ETH , Zürich  (CH)

  Subject: NeuraMod: Architectural Modelling with Neural Potentials
  Topics: Computer-Aided Architectural Design, Design Computing and Cognition, Generative Design, Brain-Computer Interface, Machine Learning


Lecturer 2014 - 2016  
  CNPA EPFL , Lausanne  (CH)

  Programs: Bachelor Courses (Years 1-2), Master Studios and Courses (Years 1)
  Topics: Algorithmics, Computational Design & Fabrication

Guest Lecturer 2013 - 2014  
  CNPA EPFL , Lausanne  (CH)

  Programs: Master Studio (year 1)
  Topics: Algorithmics, Computational Design & Fabrication

Adjunct-Assistant Professor 2010 - 2015  
  ENSAPM, Digital Knowledge , Paris  (FR)

  Programs: Bachelor Studios, Workshops and Seminars (years 1-3), Master Symposia and Theses (years 1-2)
  Topics: Science & Technology for Architecture


Dreamcatcher 2023 - present  ongoing research
  Grasping Fleeting Memories

Neuramod 2021 - present  ongoing research
  Architectural Modeling with Neural Potentials

Fourier's Demon 2020 - present  ongoing research
  Proto Categorical Spaces

Phosphenes 2020  completed
  Speechless Massing of Grammars

Proteus 2018 - 2023  completed
  Interacting with Matter & Mixed Intelligences

Stargazer 2018 - present  in production
  Aggregates from Neural Potentials

Time Pictures 2017  in production
  Dicrete Meanings of Time

Narcissus 2017  completed
  Compositions of The Self

Frontdesk 2016  completed
  Rod-Bended Furniture For a Gallery

Hilbertonians 2015  completed
  Void Filling Furnitures

Les Colchiques 2014  completed
  Shape Generation Through Neural Patterns

Le Cube d'Après 2013  completed
  Non-Linear Neural Selection of Pseudo-Cubes

The Grills 2013  completed
  Reciprocal Daybeds and Slabs

Normalons 2012  completed
  Reciprocal Huts and Canopies

The Great Decimation 2011  completed
  Topological Decimation for Organic-To-Geometric Figuration

More Is Different 2007  completed
  Generative Design


Millenials 2024  group exhibition
  Laboral, Gijón (ES)

Emulations 2024  group exhibition
  French Institute, Paris (FR)

Living Systems 2023  group exhibition
  Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb (HR)

Humans 2.0 2023 - present  group exhibition
  Copernicus Science Centre, Warsaw (PL)

Biomedia, The Age of Media with Life-like Behavior 2021  group exhibition
  ZKM Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe (DE)

Neurones, Les Intelligences Simulées 2020  group exhibition
  CNAM Centre Pompidou Museum, Paris (FR)

Digital Wild 2020  biennial
  Trondheim Art Museum, Trondheim (NO)

Lab30 2019  group exhibition
  New Media Festival, Augsburg (DE)

Error 2018  group exhibition
  Ars Electronica festival, Linz (AT)

Bits, Bots, Brains 2018  duo exhibition
  Tetem Art Space, Enschede (NL)

Creative Robotics 2017  group exhibition
  Ars Electronica Center, Linz (AT)

Minimax, Integrating The White Cube 2014  group exhibition
  Gallery Lebenson, Paris (FR)

Grand Prix d’Architecture 2023  award - Mention
  Beaux-Arts Academy, Paris (FR)

Events Abroad 2023  funding - production
  Pro Helvetia, Swiss Arts Council (CH)

EMAP 2023  residency - research & production
  Kontejner, Bureau of Contemporary Art Praxis, Zagreb (HR)

Intelligent Museum 2022  residency - research & production
  Hertzlab, ZKM Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe (DE) & Nuremberg Deutsches Museum (DE)

SNSF Project Funding 2021 - 2025  funding - research
  Research Funding Div. 1-2, Swiss National Science Foundation (CH)

A&T Doctoral Programme of Excellence 2016 - 2019  funding - research
  PhD Fellowship, ETH Zurich (CH)

Humans 2.0 2023  collection
  Copernicus Science Centre, Warsaw (PL)

ZKM 20th & 21st centuries Art 2022  collection
  ZKM Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe (DE)

The Computational Monkeys 2018 - present  self representation
  Artist Collection

Art[n+1] Gallery 2013 - 2018  main representation
  Paris (FR)

Thierry Serbeto 2022 - present

Zosia Prominska 2018 - 2021

Maria Smigielska 2016 - present
  Art & Design


Proteus 3.0 2023  Symposium
  ISEA, Forum Des Images, Paris

An Inverse Modeling Method 2023  Proceedings
  CAADRIA, CEPT University, Ahmedabad

Proteus 4.0 2023  Catalogue
  Living Systems, Kontejner, Zagreb

Proteus 3.0 2023  Catalogue
  Biomedia, Spector Books, Leipzig

Neurodesign 2022  PhD Thesis
  ETH, Zürich

Modeling with Neural Potentials 2020  Symposium
  On AI In Architecture, Engineering, And Construction, ETH, Zürich

Growing Shapes 2020  Proceedings
  DigitalFUTURES, Shangai

Experiments in Architectural Modeling 2020  Conference
  ANFA, Salk Institute, La Jolla

Encoding Shape Features With Visual ERP-BCI 2019  Journal
  International Journal of Architectural Computing Vol 17, 1

CAAD Modeling with Visual ERP BCI 2019  Conference
  NAT, LJMU, Liverpool

Uchron 2018  Proceedings
  eCAADe, University of Technology, Lodz

Design without Reason 2017  Symposium
  LABEX CAP, Centre Pompidou, Paris

Machine Learning from Las Vegas 2016  Article
  #Volume 49: Hello World, Archis, Amsterdam

Le Cube d’Après 2014  Proceedings
  ACADIA, USC, Los Angeles

Augmented Iterations 2013  Proceedings
  eCAADe, University of Technology, Delft

Official Portrait 2021  Photo
  Mugshot #2, Man Monkey and Screen, 2021. © Zosia Prominska, CompMonks.

Proteus 2020  Essay
  M. Smigielska, in ‘Architecture and Naturing Affairs‘, Birkhaüser, Berlin

How do you use AI in your work? 2020  Talk
  CompMonks, P. Cutellic, Interview at IRCAM, Paris

La Fabrique du Vivant 2019  Curatorial
  M-A. Brayer, in ‘Designing The Living’, Hyx, Paris

La Fin de la Représentation? 2017  Curatorial
  M-A. Brayer, in ‘Printing The World’, Hyx, Paris